A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Game jam submission for the screamworld game jam.

Dev vlog = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUcg5RAzIaRWSQJZu6lC5BQ

discord = https://discord.gg/8EpjyGH

twitch = apxstudios

I will be streaming a lot of the game's creation so join me on this adventure!


MOOD.zip 466 MB
SubToPewds.app.zip 489 MB

Development log


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I liked the humor, but unfortunately couldn't get it to work! I think it's on my end.

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Fia thanks for trying it out sorry it didn't run so great. Looking at the video I think I know what the issue was and why the door didn't open all the way. I'm 99% sure it was a timeline shortcut I used (damn game jams :) ), I do have a few bug fixes coming in the next week or so for it.  I'll add the timeline fix to my todo list. 

Long story short the timeline runs off of the current game FPS I set it to try to lock to 60fps and I just tested it on my work laptop (its running a i5 with intel graphics) and the same bug happened once it dropped under 30 FPS. 

(2 edits)

looks nice, but cant make video yet, i get stuck in a room after killing alot of monsters,  youre maybe planning to but, i hope u can put flash light xD it was abit too dark,  or maybe a  nightvision mode maybe looks cool too ! looking forward to play it again! nice beginning! 

nvm i havent read the comment below xD 

Did you manage to get the keycard (the pink thing in the room) once you have that and the monsters are dead the door should open once you walk up to it. I'll be updating the game with a few patches once the voting period for the game jam is done. Thank you for playing and let me know if you find any other bugs :)

i was walking jumping up and looked around but i didnt find any keycard,  dunno if it was bug or not, after killing all monster i had to wait about 5 mins before a girl begin to talk and then stucked in room :P thank you too for sharing :D

Hey, just making sure you're aware the game still needs to be submitted to the jam via the jam's page, where you can continue to update until the deadline! If this is just a placeholder page, then nevermind :) Looking forward to playing! 

I'm aware, just doing a place holder page :) I have to say this has been the most fun I had on a Jam so far, the other devs are awesome and cant wait to play all the games!